
More about Derelict Buildings - Trees and Nature - Cemeteries and Spiritual - Arches Doors and Windows














http://shoutoutyouremotions.blogspot.co.uk/ 2010-2013 is owed by Roberta Meloni useless otherwise stated. Commercial or private use of the photos without written consent is prohibited.


Life and death expressed through the trees

 Ancient, silent and still
The different perception of time and space

Magic Trees





http://shoutoutyouremotions.blogspot.co.uk/ 2010-2013 is owed by Roberta Meloni useless otherwise stated. Commercial or private use of the photos without written consent is prohibited. 


Monsters, Aliens & Children in Waterloo Tunnel

- WATERLOO BATTLE 2012 - "  My dreams are bigger than your reality "







http://shoutoutyouremotions.blogspot.co.uk/ 2010-2013 is owed by Roberta Meloni useless otherwise stated. Commercial or private use of the photos without written consent is prohibited.